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My Love of Calcite

January 16, 2018


To me, all the calcites are wonderful, yummy stones. No matter the color or form, when I hold one I smile and feel great. A bowl of them can resemble colorful candy and take your memory back to the innocence of childhood. When purchasing calcite you will have a choice of individual colors or sometimes larger stones with many layers of colors. The rock pictured is the first large stone that I ever purchased. I find the many layers of colors to be very balancing. It has moved with me to the different treatment rooms I have had in my career. Sometimes residing under my massage table for balance and sometimes making its way to the altar for healing or drumming circles. It has become a dear friend.

Calcites are a great choice when reaching for a healing stone. They are very abundant and are found on every continent of the world making them an economical purchase. Each color brings its own metaphysical qualities to the healing table. Some of my favorites include:

Green Calcite
This is a stone for the heart and for the natural world. It helps clear blockages that keep us from emotional and physical healing. It helps us to see the animals and plants of nature in a different and healing light.
Orange Calcite
Is a stone of energy and playfulness. It can help with creativity in problem solving of all types including sexuality or dislodging stagnant energy around a project that is not going forward.
Blood Red Calcite
Resonates with the base or first chakra and everything primal. In its gentle way it brings fire to all of life. It brings balance to many physical and emotional levels.
Ice Calcite
Is a stone for all the chakras and one of the great balancers from the mineral kingdom. Like clear quartz it can be programed. Try using it as the center stone in your next Sacred Stone Grid layout to program it with the energy of the other stones in your grid. You can then carry this stone with you through the day and have the energy of your whole grid nearby.
Blue Calcite
Hold thisstone and it can feel like you are protected and wrapped in Angel wings. It is emotionally calming and also psychically inspiring. It has the potential to open you to the worlds of knowledge.

Any and all of these stones often find their way into the grids I create. And they never disappoint.