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Diffuse Hot Topics

Years ago a wise healer/teacher taught me the value of gentle persistent persuasion when offering people a different point of view. Yelling and heavy arguing rarely works and when it does the changes are usually temporary. I am not comfortable with this bully approach.

When working with family problems, clients, or hot political topics I have found that honey, not vinegar gets the job done better. A gentle energy can often diffuse tensions and open minds to other ideas. Solutions with better and longer lasting results may be found. When everyone is in a space to really hear each other and communicate it is possible to brainstorm a variety of ideas and explore paths not yet tapped for solutions. But getting everyone to let down their guard, strip away years of programmed beliefs, and be willing to compromise and meet in the middle ground can be an undaunting task. Often near impossible.

We need a way to begin that does not immediately bring up defenses or tap into old fears and patterns. I have often seen the gentle energy of crystals be this beginning place. Creating a Sacred Stone Grid is often a great place to start when diffusing the energy around any situation. The mood can begin to change even before any words are spoken. In creating the grid your personal energy shifts and this changes your reactions to other's actions and therefore changes their reactions to the people they interact with. If you are working with client's issues, or will be in a family meeting, work or community meeting or even just posting on social media about a hot topic be sure to have the grid with you. Allow yourself to shift your energy to more compassion and others will follow.

The current political situation, as of this writing, regarding family issues and female rights has gotten pretty hot in America. Listening to social media, news sources and friends and their often different and heated opinions has inspired me to create this grid. My intent is not to force my ideas on others, but to encourage myself and others to let down our guard and really listen to others point of view. Solutions are out there. We just need to find them.

The white altar cloth with a copper moon phase pentagram represents feminine energy from the moons influence and honoring the innocence involved in this issue. The subtle love vibration from the rose quartz placed by each moon phase helps encourage this gentle but powerful influence of the moon to be surrounded in love and support for all involved.

Red cats eye shells are great for balancing yin yang energy. Place the red male side up to encourage and support a balanced male point of view.

Apache tears can offer support for those grieving or stressed over this issue. They can offer grounding energy for all so they may talk and listen from a very supported point of view.

A Sundial shell in the middle encourages everyone to gather the energy offered by this grid, meditate, and go within themselves to see the bigger view of this issue and gain new insights.

When your grid is set up simply beam energy from you palm chakras to your grid and activate by saying this affirmation out loud.

Affirmation: May I see the bigger picture and gain insight into others point of view so that I may become part of a better solution.


If you plan to set this grid up in a room where people will meet for a discussion it is best to not call attention to your grid. Simply set it up in a corner of the room before the meeting and let the energy permeate the room before people arrive. If you call attention to it and talk about why you are doing it you have changed the energy around it. Just allow it to be If someone asks give them a simple answer such as, "I brought it for support." Most will not ask.