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How to Manifest What You Want or Need

Manifesting what you want or need in life is a very simple matter once you are clear about what your goal is. If you are asking for the right thing, it really can be as simple as asking and just sitting back and waiting for it to happen. However, I am sure you have heard people say, "Be careful what you ask for" or "God has a sense of humor". Both of those statements, and others like them, can seem very true when you don't take the steps and the time to have your desire crystal clear.

As an example, I remember a time when my twenty-something self was feeling insecure and I thought that a boyfriend would be the answer. Even at that younger age, I knew I had a knack for manifesting. So I simply asked for a boyfriend. I soon felt the joke was on me because within a week I had six dates with different men. After spending a few exhausting months of juggling boyfriends and ending up with none of them, I wrote it off as God's humor.

It took many more years for me to realize that what I really needed and wanted was a secure relationship with myself, not another person. Had I been clear with myself from the start and asked for and received that, then I might have been more prepared to attract the type of man I really wanted. Maybe I would not have needed to wait until I was 40 for the perfect man to show up. Don't get me wrong — I love the man I am with and appreciate the knowledge those 40 years of being single gave me, but it is often fun to wonder about 'what if'.

These many years down my path, I have developed an understanding about the process of manifesting that I would love to share with you. If you do not take the time to clear, cleanse, and clarify when asking, the universe probably will not take the time to clear and clarify when giving back. That is why people who are worried about money may end up manifesting more things to worry about, or people who are exhausted from working too hard might manifest being laid off instead of a nice vacation. Were they just manifesting the need to not be exhausted, or did they take the time to clarify what they really needed? They may want a vacation or a new job, but certainly being laid off might not be their first choice to get some rest.

The steps I like to follow when preparing to ask for a manifestation are:

When you choose to ask for a manifestation of something you want or need, you are choosing to enter into ceremony for yourself. As with any ceremony, it is important to clear and ground yourself as best you can before you begin. You may have a favorite way you already use or you can choose one or a few of the following.

Sage Smudge:
Burn some white sage and fan the smoke over and around you. Use your hand or a feather fan to move the smoke. Let the smoke draw out your unwanted energies and cleanse them away.
Salt Bath:
Run some warm water in a bathtub and add 1 to 4 cups of Epsom Salts or Dead Sea Salts to the water. Soak for at least 10 minutes being careful to cover as much of your body as possible with the salt water (You may use a washcloth or a cup to pour water on parts of your body that might not be covered if you have a smaller tub). Sit or lay quiet as you soak. Invite healing energy to enter your body through your crown chakra at the top of your head. Picture a brilliant white or golden light entering through your head and filling a channel that goes through your body where your spine is and comes out your body at the end of your spine. Take a few moments to feel the healing energy as it builds in your body. Then slowly allow the channel of light to expand. As it grows in your body it will cover and cleanse all your cells loosening any energetic garbage you are willing to let go of and pushing that garbage out of your body into the water you are soaking in. When you feel cleansed and refreshed, promptly get out of the tub and release the soaking water and negative energies down the drain.
Clearing Spray:
The best clearing spray I know of is one made with vodka and essential oils. Once you make this wonderful spray, gently mist it over and around you being careful to keep your eyes closed. Feel the spray cleanse away your negative and unwanted energies.
Moon Bath:
The next evening when the moon is bright, find time to sit or lay under the evening sky. Let the moonlight wash over you and offer you cleansing.
Nature Walk:
Ideally you live close to a wooded area you can walk in to take in some nature and hug a few trees. But even a public park will do. Let nature heal you and cleanse you.
Grounding Meditation:
Place your feet firmly on the ground. Standing barefoot in grass is best but this can even be done sitting in a chair in an upstairs apartment. Close your eyes. Feel the connection with the ground under your feet. Imagine two roots. One comes up from the ground to wrap around your root chakra near the base of your spine. The other root is connected to the first and grows down deep into the earth. If you are upstairs allow the root to travel down through the levels and in to the ground. Let the root travel down through the layers of the earth into the very hot center where it can wrap around Earth's core and anchor you. Feel your connection with Earth and the strength it offers you.
Drumming Meditation:
The rhythmic sound of a drum can be an excellent way to release and cleanse. Hold a frame drum in one hand and use your other hand or a drum stick to gently beat to the rhythm of your heart. Let this rhythm draw you into yourself. Let the rhythm change as your body and soul tell it too. Drum until you feel you are cleansed of your unwanted energies.

Now that you have done some basic clearing and cleansing, it might be easier to find more tensions you can release. Releasing to fire is one of the best ways I know to relieve stress. It won't take away the memories or the lessons you may have learned from a situation, but it can help take away the negative emotions and energies you feel when you think about the situation. It can help keep you flexible, present in the moment, and better able to deal with your issues without the pain, guilt, or other unpleasant emotions you may currently feel. Decisions and solutions can be easier to find.

The first step is to find and notice your tensions and worries. While you are clear and grounded, take a deep breath and notice how you feel. How is your breathing? How tense are your shoulders, jaw, or other muscles? Take more deep breaths and relax a little bit more with each exhale until you feel you are relaxed as can be.

While you are relaxed, start thinking about your life. Think about your work, your family, your social life, your finances – anything that may bring you stress. As you think of these things, pay attention to your body. Are you holding your breath or tensing up muscles? If you are, this topic is something that might be good to release with fire. Write a word or small sentence about this tension on a small piece of paper or tissue. Now breathe, relax, and think and notice more. Write a word or sentence for each thing that bothers you until you have a small stack of papers and can find nothing else to write.

When you are done writing, it is time to crumple each paper into a ball and burn each of them in turn. While burning them, perceive that the smoke is taking your problems to your source to take care of. Whatever you believe your source to be, that is where the smoke will go.

To burn your papers, you can build a fire outdoors in a fire pit to throw them into or you can use an indoor fireplace if you have one. To give your fire release more energy, you can create a Fire Release Sacred Stone Grid for this purpose.

Give yourself a few days after burning your papers to let the releases happen and for issues to start shifting. This is also a good time to listen to your needs and to spend time finding out what those needs are. As energy tensions shift and change, it becomes possible to see new levels of yourself that have been covered with the everyday stresses that have got in the way. New or well buried stresses may reveal themselves. People often confuse this time of healing with the idea that things are getting worse. If this seems to be the case for you, please hang in there and let the changes happen. Simply take notice and make notes if something new comes up.

By now, you should be in a great position to do a final releasing of stresses. If you have a trusted friend who is great at pointing out things you do not see for yourself, it is okay to ask them to be involved at this stage to help you really see the things about yourself that it is time to let go of. Just like with the first fire release, it is important to breathe out stress and write a word or small sentence about the things that still bother you. Create another fire pit or Fire Release Sacred Stone Grid to burn and release those words. After your second fire release, give yourself a day or two of shifting and settling before continuing.

Now you should be ready to clearly see the story behind what you want to manifest. Your attitude about things in your life might look a little different than it did a few days ago before performing your grounding and releasing. When you think about what you want to attract into your life at this time, the core reason behind your intentions should be much clearer. All the extra thoughts and layers of confusion should be easier to see through. Let me give a few examples to clarify this process.

The person who panicked about needing money to pay bills may have been feeling pain and worry while asking for money. The universe will probably pick up on the feelings they put the most energy into and might just send more pain and worry. Now, after cleansing and grounding, you can simply see your bank account manifesting money and don't feel the zings of pain and panic when you think about it.

A person asking for healing may be stuck in thinking about the paths to health - the doctors and the risky surgery they want to do, the friends and relatives that give their advice and opinions, the latest internet fads and cures, etcetera. This person may be picking from all these paths what they think is best and trying to manifest only that path. After releasing and grounding, they may be able to look through all the confusing layers and simply visualize health.

Can you now clear away all your confusing layers? Do you have a simple and direct view of what you need or want? It should be a single picture in your mind or a simple word. The universe responds to simple requests. If you are asking to be healthy, simply ask for that. Visualize in your mind your body and soul in complete health. Words may not even be needed and may be confusing. Keep it positive. A request such as "I don't want to be sick" amplifies the energy of your negative emotions attached to the idea of sickness, instead of the positivity of health. A negatively phrased request may attract exactly what you are negative about - such as more sickness. Simple and positive is the goal.

Who or what you ask and the method you choose to do so is a personal decision. It may take the form of a prayer, ritual, or deep meditation. It needs to be a method you are familiar with and have faith in. For important matters, I often create a Sacred Stone Grid specific to my needs.

Once you have determined your method of asking, simply ask. Remember to keep the request as clear and simple as possible.

Really. Let it all go. Let go of the outcome. Let go of the path. Be open to how and when the universe will answer your request. Your answer may come in a form you never dreamed of.

If you are having a hard time letting it all go, you may want to consider doing another Fire Release Ceremony to let go of the layers you keep thinking about. Rewrite your request if needed. This is when, for the important matters I have a hard time not thinking about, I create a Sacred Stone Grid. I trust and believe in this process and know that I can create a grid that will keep the energy flowing without any needs from me. I can simply walk away and wait to see the wondrous results.