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A Valentine for the World

February 8, 2012

Valentine for the World

This Valentine's Day of 2012 can be an important time to recognize those around us that are hurting. As we transform as a community and rise to higher spiritual consciousness in this world it is important to reach out to those who need our love. Please help spread the healing energy of the stones in this grid to those who need it. Share it on facebook, email it to a friend who is in need, or print it and make a homemade valentine for a loved one. The method you use to share the love doesn't matter. It is just important to share.

Layout Board

Wood to add nature and the energy of earth's plant kingdom.

Center Stone

Natural cluster of Pink Mangano Calcite crystals
This wonderful healing stone increases our ability to share unconditional love. It's gentle healing power is especially good when working with a wounded inner child. It is sometimes called the "Reiki" stone for it's wise and gentle healing abilities.

Major Ray Stones

Reaches out to those who do not feel loved and brings peace and tranquility to them. It brings balance to such people by aligning their physical, spiritual and emotional aspects. It is truly one of the more powerful love stones.
For the healers of the world this is truly a stone of unconditional love. It helps the world's healers be prepared for the loving work they do.
Helps to heal a broken heart. It is said to help one attract new friends and loves working with other stones in a Sacred Stone Grid layout. It supports these other stones and helps them do their work on a higher level.

Minor Ray Stones

A most powerful stone for transforming the pain, grief, anger and other distructive feelings of the heart into pure unconditional love. Once these negative feelings are transformed a person is free to share pure love with those they share this earth with.
Red Cat's Eye Shell
Offers balance to literally everything. This is the male / female, yin / yang, tarot king / tarot queen all combined together in a synergistic blend that still allows for each side to stand in independence. This powerful duality allows the people of the world to recognize this balance within themselves, their families, communities and all residents of our planet.
Pink Opal
Encourages feelings of warmth and love toward our fellow earth partners. It helps people act in unselfish ways and opens them up to operating on a higher spiritual plane. This stone asks us to lighten up and live more freely.

Activation Affirmation

I activate this Sacred Stone Grid layout to heal the hearts of the wounded people of the earth so that they may transform and spread true unconditional love and support to everyone.